
Aug 7, 2013

Up On Style - Gothic!

 Hello, everyone! 
How'ya doing? o/

Today I thought about bringing a little about a style we all like: Gothic!

First thing I need to say about Gothic (Or simply Goth) is that is has LOTS of variations. Victorian, Cyber, Vampire, Steampunk, etc. So, while I was searching for some pictures, I found something really cool. This super-awesome site called BlackWaterfall has an illustrated guide to Goth Stereotypes and I simply loved it! I /had/ to post this:

 Aren't they just awesome? Those are only the the stereotypes I believe are the most common, but there's a bunch of them! And the girl (I think her name is Trellia) who made it also have a blog and a devianart, so check them out if you liked it!

And at last but not least, the goth style on Stardoll. We all know Fallen Angel and Evil Panda for their gothic-ish or at least 'different' clothes and dark 'must-haves'. Most of the Stardoll's Gothic stuff comes from these stores, so I definitely recommend them! You may also find a lot on the bazaar (Like the Mortal Kiss stuff!) for fair prices. Maybe I'll post about some goth must-haves on the bazaar later  (:

My gothic-is look:

Whats your favorite Gothic Style?


  1. I am not a gothic person ..But Obviously I like the style Haha xD ..I prefer anything original Because its simple too ;D

  2. yeah i liked the illustrated guide so right now im making it like album XD
